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Meditation in Himalayas as sacred it may sound, it is beautiful and also has brilliant returns. The mountains of Nepal are holy and everyone along with The Trek Nepal worships these mountains most of the time.

If any of the readers are thinking about meditating in the Himalayas and gaining brilliant results, we suggest readers try themselves and know the difference. In the past students at The Trek Nepal have talked about the positivity of meditating in the Himalayas. 

Along with that you also have the opportunity to learn meditation from the land of Gautam Buddha. Budhha was one individual who reaped outstanding results from meditation. So today we talk about other advantages of meditation in the Himalayas.

  • Increased intuition

The area of the mountains is silent. They provide calm and peace to the human body which is the key. With such awareness about oneself, there are plenty of cases to admire and heighten your intuition.

The peace and calmness provide you an opportunity to be self-aware and work on your personal growth and development. During the meditation session under the guidance of the trainers, self-awareness comes to an individual drastically. 

  • Connection with the elemental forces

In Hindu and Buddhist mythology, mountains are often called the abode of gods. Therefore the divine forces that are present at the Himalayas are of the utmost level.

When we focus on meditation in Himalayan, there are plenty of cases when the results have been brilliant. The elemental forces present in the mountains have evoked a deep sense of reverence.

Trekkers at The Trek Nepal have talked about the sense of communication with forces like earth, water, fire, and air which has brought a profound level of interconnectedness with wholesome nature. 

  • The right balance between body, mind, and spirit

Meditation is known to bring the right balance between your body and mind. But meditation in the open nature works well to bring the right integration of body, mind, and spirit. 

You will need to be highly aware of your surroundings when you practice meditation in the higher altitude of the mountains. With the sense of mindfulness and devotion required, meditation at the top of the mountain is massively demanding. 

As the higher level of understanding and awareness of the human body comes to the fore, there is a major chance of you having a deep and wanting connection with your body, mind, and spirit. 

  • Community and networking

Life at the top of the mountain is hard. It doesn’t matter whether you are living for a long time or just trekking through The Trek Nepal you will have hardships to adapt. As you perform meditation in the Himalayas you will have an opportunity to forge a connection. 

The people living in the community are always welcoming which suggests that you will build a bond way beyond the trekking journey. Group retreats, local community development, or even meditation workshops things look way better. 

The support community and also the local people tend to provide massive encouragement and motivation to ace the top. There are a variety of people living at different trekking routes so the overall network helps you to accomplish your goal easily. 

  • Development of calm and stillness

In the modern world where hustle and hard work are the key, there is hardly any opportunity to calm and find your stillness. However, with meditation in the Himalayas, you have an opportunity to find some time for yourself. 

With the techniques of meditation, there is ample opportunity for you to know about yourself better. No technology, urbanization, or even noise, you will immerse yourself in the serenity of life. 

With the mind, body, and spirit being relaxed you have greater consciousness of the present moment. Mindful breathing, focused attention along gentle awareness you can reach a deeper state of life and its understanding. 

  • Connecting with nature

Meditation in the Himalayas means that you are closer to nature and its outstanding results. A lot of the time humans don’t get time to be closer to nature and enjoy its results.

But with the meditation program from The Trek Nepal, you have an opportunity to connect with nature and find it in its purest form. Being focused in the fresh air along with the sound of birds and flowing rivers is charismatic in itself. 

All of these natural beauties work as the backdrop to find the inner peace and silence of life. This helps you develop a sense of gratitude and reverence in your mind. 

  • Connection with ancient history

Nepal is one of the oldest countries in the world which has aced the actual meaning of meditation. Not only that we have also observed major positive results when we talk about meditation in Nepal. 

Having said that the ancient knowledge and wisdom that lies in Nepal is tough to beat. When you spend plenty of time with the monks and locals of Nepal and the mountains, you have an opportunity to unearth the rich history and wisdom. 

The timeless wisdom along with the teaching and guidance of Buddha right from the educated monks reaps brilliant results. One of the major advantages of meditation in the Himalayas is the connection with the rich history of the country and meditation in itself. 

  • Celestial magnificence

Just imagine you are practicing meditation at the top of the mountain and you stay overnight at a teahouse. There is no pollution and open skies. You have an opportunity to view stars, Milky Way galaxy, and all the stars openly. Well, that can be a dreamy feeling. 

You will have the same opportunity to enjoy stars sitting down in the open nature. Sitting ideally in nature will provide you with an idea of how vast is the sky and the universe. This does bring a sense of gratitude to an individual. 

A lot of the time people who are self-obsessed with their own presence tend to feel small in front of the universe. It does love you in awe and also respect the beauty of the moment.